Excuse me is that seat taken?

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I get it!!! We all want nice things.  We work hard right?  We like to reward ourselves with materialistic value.  It makes us feel better?  Or does it make you feel like you hold some sort of status in the public eye?   Is it ourselves we are satisfying or is it others we are seeking approval and or acceptance from?  I love the finer things in life, don't get me wrong, but the value of an object doesn't make my status as a person more significant!

It's your money so spend it as you feel, but I just have to say buy things that you like and want.  Not stuff that you think classify you as "better".

Im going to talk about this subject and it is the way I feel, I see many many examples of this all the time and it drives me out of my mind!  Ladies becuase you own purses that have a designer lables doesn't make you unique.  The purse isn't a person, it's not okay to give it a chair or take up bar space acting like a dividing wall.  Most likey 3 out of 5 women have the same bag...ladies you know who you are.  Be unique start your own trend, look for bags that no one else have.  I mean with what you spend on that bag most likely you can buy a roundtrip ticket to Italy and hotel for the weekend and go design your own.

When I see women walking around with the shoes and purses, still remain unhappy, my suggestion to you is next time take that money and buy yourself a trip and see what the world has to offer you!

Guys I'm talking about you too with your wallets, cars, shoes, and watches...the same applies.

What has media made us into?  We need to open our eyes and start understanding the world around us.