Certified Life & Wellness Coach

Let me take you to where you desire and deserve to be…


 H E R E ’ S W H A T I K N O W …


Not any 1 person is the same! I believe in process-oriented coaching when working privately with clients. This means that, for our package, I won’t be pre-selecting topics to teach and coach. Instead, I’ll meet you where you are with the specific lessons and practices you need to help you overcome what you’ve been struggling with each week. I interweave resources on an as-needed basis so you’ll be able to grow.

You can stop wishing for the perfect relationship and get it.

Understanding your true self, moving into the present, and getting the confidence you desire.

You can learn to trust yourself to make any goal as good as done.

You can stop allowing weight and body imagine to hold you back from ultimate happiness.

Are you in?