My Opinion...

I saw a video on Facebook with Obama and began to read the thread. A thread of back and forth conversation of racism, immigration, personal experiences of black and whites doing wrong toward each other and responded with the following. 

             " We shouldn't forget the history of where we've come from. The background of our bloodlines and how they came, why they came, worked for, the prejudice in which we fought hard to break and still work towards. What we must do now as a country is work together in fighting for the future of what we want it to be. Forgive those that live in the past, hear opinions and listen to ideas but fight for each other with each other, for our young but powerful country. We can be greater than what we are but we cannot continue to have opinions and no action. We cannot let the government make all the decisions and stop letting corporations have all the power.  Certainly not to sit in front of the TVs and any format of media and so forth and then be upset with what's happening without trying to take action. As one people nothing will change but become worse.  We are passionate people but let's direct that passion into positive work and support one another in trying to understand everyone's situation and working toward a common goal. Only then I believe change can happen."

More over I believe a lot of racism is based on fear of not knowing or understanding one another. If we smiled at people in passing and accepted people the same as we do a puppy, and if your not an animal lover a baby, think about the difference that would make. Everyone has a background,  a story of where they came from, what they've been through and some just want to be heard or understood. So I propose to try and be compassionate, dabble outside your norms and try to make a difference within yourself. Forgive and understand. . .say hi to people passing by and smile a little more for goodness sake! If you work toward one common goal the same way you work to impress people with material  value you just might see some positive change happen.